Searching For An Apartment As A Student? Don't Forget To Look For These Things!
When you're a student, looking for an apartment can be so exciting. You can't wait to have your own space and move in with your friends. However, it's important not to get too wrapped up in the excitement. If you rent an apartment that's not right for you, the experience won't be as enjoyable as you expect. With that in mind, here are some things to look for in a student apartment.
Multiple bathrooms.
If you are only moving in with one roommate, you might be able to get away with having only one bathroom. However, if you have any more than two people living in an apartment, you had better look for multiple bathrooms. You don't want to be stepping on each other if you all have 8 am classes one day.
Plenty of cabinets in the kitchen.
You can make do with older appliances, and a small kitchen should even be okay since you probably won't all be cooking at the same time. However, you should not skimp when it comes to cabinets. Look for an apartment with plenty. This way, each of you can have your own cabinet, which will make it easier to keep track of what food belongs to each person. If you only have three cabinets but four roommates, then stuff might get mixed. You don't want to accidentally eat someone else's macaroni and cheese!
Bedroom doors that lock.
Sure, you might trust your roommates. But you may not always trust the friends they bring over. Being able to lock your door is paramount. Check that the bedroom doors have locks and that the landlord actually has the keys to those locks and can provide them for you.
A safe location.
As a student, you probably can't afford to rent a luxury apartment in the posh part of town. However, you should make sure you are renting in a safe area. There are a few questions you can ask yourself. Are there a lot of other students living there? This suggests it is safe. Are there plenty of street lights, and do you feel comfortable walking around after dark? Trust your gut; if a neighborhood seems unsafe, don't move there.
By taking your time to consider the elements above, you can ensure your student renting experience is a good one. This probably won't be the fanciest apartment you've ever rented, but it can be one that serves your needs well.
To learn more, contact a company that provides student apartment rentals.